Articles are the essential building blocks of your World Anvil worlds, and the perfect starting point for your worldbuilding adventure! Whether it’s a character, a culture, country, climate, cuisine, or conflict, articles are where you start describing everything that exists in your world. With World Anvil, your articles can be so much more than mere description. They can offer a rich, interactive experience that invites readers and players to explore your world.

Join Madeline, our Community Liaison, as we cover the basics of creating articles, as well as time-saving shortcuts and advanced features to help make your world appealing, organized and fun to explore!

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

    • How to find the best template for your next creation.
    • How to make a monster (or a whole bestiary!)
    • A crazy-fast way to cross-reference articles.
    • The easiest method to get (and stay) organized.
    • A way to use tags to make searching a snap.
    • How to control when articles can be seen (or hidden).
    • How to use images & formatting to make articles look stunning!

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