The spooky season is over—but on World Anvil, that means the WorldEmber fun is just beginning! And this year, we’re also debuting our new event NovelEmber too. Let’s take a look at what’s new this month!
📝 The new Visual Editor is (mostly) out!
The Visual Editor replaces the old Plato/WYSIWYG editor by fixing all of its bugs and making it much, much better and easier to use! Drag and drop images straight into your articles, create tables visually by typing “/”, and much more.
Right now, the editor is available in full to new worlds only. For older worlds, it’s implemented when creating articles, secrets, notes, and timeline events (full implementation for old worlds will come soon). Check the release blog to learn more!
🔧 Article creation tweaks
After hearing your feedback, we’ve tweaked the new article creation modal to make it more comfortable and quicker to use!
- You can jump straight to the advanced edit page from the article creation modal. Just mouse over the top right of the template panel, and the Advanced Edit option will appear (desktop only)!
- The modal is now narrower to accommodate larger screens, and the template blocks are shorter so more are visible at once.
- We’ve added quick copy buttons for the article mention and block in the article creation screen.
🎲 Your Game Master ULTIMATE Powers!
Game Masters, Storytellers, Dungeon Masters, whatever you call yourself! You now have ULTIMATE POWER… to View and Edit the character sheets of your players! This works even if the sheets are private/hidden from other players, meaning you can check they have mathed correctly, and help them level up. A massive congrats to our awesome dev Katerina for making this happen – it was not an easy feat of engineering!
⚙️ Other updates and fixes

Substack embed in action! The above is generated with [substack:moonlightbard].
- Substack embed: If you have a Substack blog, you can now embed the subscriber form straight into your world with the [substack:USERNAME] tag!
- World dashboard updates: You can now see a preview of the homepage in your dashboard, along with new quick buttons to make world management quicker. There will be more updates to the dashboard in the upcoming weeks!
- Discord webhook fix: If you were one of the few users affected by a bug that prevented you from using the Discord webhook, rejoice! The bug is now fixed. Don’t know what this is about? Learn how to use the webhook!
Check out the Changelog page on World Anvil for the full changelog.
🗓️ November events
We have several awesome events this month, to to inspire you and help you achieve your goals!
- 📖 NovelEmber: This month, we challenge you to write 50,000 words of prose! Join our community and learn more on the challenge page!
- 🔥 WorldEmber Prep: WorldEmber, one of the biggest worldbuilding events of the year, is in December—so now’s the time to get your world (and yourself) ready! Join the prep now!
- ✨ Community Day: every third Saturday of the month (16th November!) is World Anvil Community Day! Here’s the programme:
- 🎓 How (and why!) to run Events at GenCon? (5pm UK/9am Pacific): This month, Haly the Moonlight Bard, GenCon expert and fellow Sage, will hold a stream about running GenCon events! Find the link in the Professional Portal (Sages only).
- 🙌 50,000 words around the World… Anvil! (6pm UK/10am Pacific): This month, we’ll sit down with Oneriwien and Barron from our community to learn how they tackle large-scale challenges like NovelEmber!
Follow us on Twitch to learn when we go live!
🎥 October YouTube round-up
Here are all the videos that we released this month—check them out for tips, inspiration, and advice to power up your worldbuilding!
- 5 common worldbuilding mistakes: are you guilty of any of these worldbuilding mistakes? Check the video to learn how to fix them!
- How to get people excited about your world in 30 seconds: let’s take a look at the best tips to pitch your world and get people hooked!
- What are OSR roleplaying games? Let’s go old school for this video to learn what are OSR games and why you should consider running one!
- 6 signs of snow globe worldbuilding: How can you avoid and fix “Mary Sue worldbuilding”?
Subscribe to our channel to see when we post new videos!
🌟 Community highlight
This month, we’re featuring the Yonderverse, a bright science fantasy universe full of drama, conflict, a myriad of species, and complex planets and cultures—and it even has a scavenger hunt going on! Here’s what Mochimanoban, the creator of the world, had to say:
The Yonderverse means the world to me. I have worked so hard on it for the last three and a half years, pouring more time than I probably should be in writing, creating art, and designing my world. Before joining World Anvil I had zero experience in writing and worldbuilding, so for my world to have been voted as the Best World means more to me than I can describe <3
The Yonderverse was chosen as the Best World in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards, and it’s truly one of the most creative and well-crafted worlds on World Anvil! So if you’re looking to brighten your life with some worldbuilding focused on nature and ecosystems, check out the Yonderverse now!
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