World Anvil competitions are events we organize to give you the opportunity to improve your worldbuilding! You’ll be competing with other worldbuilders, so you’ll get to see how other creatives approach the same topic as you. In the end, two winners will be chosen, who will win special profile badges and other prizes!
Check the competition list to see current and past competitions!
The Leagues

This is what the Premier League badge looks like!
People who enter a competition are divided into two leagues: Premier and Standard. The Premier League is made up of people who’ve already won at least one competition—if you’ve never won one, you’re in the Standard League. Members of the Premier League have a special badge in their profile for easier identification. They are separated in this post because the judging processes are slightly different.
Judging the Standard League
The judging process begins when the sharing period of the competition closes. This is a period of about 5 days where you can no longer submit articles but—instead, you can share them around to get feedback and more eyes to your work. After the period ends, we will organize the premier league to judge them and choose a winner. They will assign points to each entry and the Team will add them up to find who won.
The winner of the Standard League will be announced on stream and get a special winner badge. In the next competition, the winner will compete against the Premier League.
Judging the Premier League
The process for the Premier League is slightly different because they are judged by Dimitris and Janet. There is no shortlist system, meaning that all premier league entries are automatically considered for judging.
The winner of the Premier League will be announced on stream, along with the Standard winner. They will also get a special winner badge for the profile.
How to enter World Anvil competitions
As long as you have a World Anvil account, you can enter any active competition! Just go to the list of competitions—if there’s an active one, you’ll see it at the top! Make sure to read the competition page, which includes the rules, the timeline, and everything else you need to know to enter. Then, start writing and submit the article before the deadline. Remember to check that the article is public and published!
Now that you know how judging works, you’re ready to take part in a competition! So grab your hammer and go worldbuild!