We have a beautiful community with very beautiful faces! From time to time, we like to celebrate our community with an event we call Beautiful People.
What is the Beautiful People Event?
Our beautiful people events are usually part of a larger festivity, like the WorldEmber or Summer Camp Awards ceremonies. Think of it as a costume competition, in a way.
During these events, we invite everyone to send a picture of themselves on our Discord server! Normally there’s a dress code following a specific theme – in the past, these have been “garden party”, “full gala”, “black tie” even “Nuclear Winter Wonderland”! All of these pictures are then showcased on a celebration stream… AND there are prizes to win too! So let’s talk about how you can take part in them!
Taking part in Beautiful People events
Why should I take part, you ask? Well, because you’re beautiful! It’s in the name! It’s a great opportunity to have some fun, dress in a costume, and also to put a face on the people you interact with every day in our community! Of course, we understand if you’re camera shy, so don’t feel pressured. And if you want to send a picture but you don’t want it to be shown on stream, you can just tell us by adding a red X emoji underneath your image when you post it!
Beautiful People generally takes place just before the big award ceremonies we do for Summer Camp and WorldEmber. When the Beautiful People event starts (usually some days before the live-streamed event it’s associated with), we’ll tell you through Discord, and a new channel will be open with detailed instructions. So make sure you join our Discord server if you’re not there yet!

That’s the shiny badge you’ll get if you take part!
You’re all set up? Great! Now you just need to read the channel’s pinned message to see if there’s a specific theme or dress code. Sometimes Beautiful People turns into “Spookiful People”, especially in October—so make sure you know the theme before submitting your sparkly rainbow costume!
Wait, didn’t we say prizes?
Yes! Everyone taking part in the event will get a fancy badge for the World Anvil profile. This badge proves to the world that your beauty is World Anvil-approved! There’s also a winner, announced during the stream, and sometimes there are prizes for the winner too! We’ve even had more than one winner in the past!
Sounds good? Make sure to join our Discord server and you’ll always be on top of all of our events!