Congratulations to all the nominees who submitted an entry to the 5th Worldbuilding Awards! From January 4th to February 8th, many Anvilites submitted their best work to one of the Awards’ categories, and fives nominees were chosen in each category. Now is time for you to choose who should win!

How to vote to the Awards?

Voting for your favorite entries is really easy! Here’s how:

  1. Click here to go to the voting form.
  2. Select your winner from each category.
  3. Submit the form! You have until March 22nd to vote.

Please only submit the form once—duplicate votes will be removed!

List of nominees

Here are all the nominees, sorted by category!

Major categories

Best World

Entry Author
wow that’s a lot of stars Those2Nerds
Bellyem Loup Des Bois
World of Dromaria Matunas
World of Wizard’s Peak kitoypoy
The Spaceport deleyna

Most Beautiful World

Entry Author
Mirintha Leijona
A to Zoo Mochimanoban
Terra Occidentalis kefkejaco
Curses by Darklight Kummer Wolfe
The Field of Stories – Àyrngáer zevchafer

Best Article

Entry Author
Chrystemis Loup Des Bois
The Relentless Advancement of the Veiled Academy Stormbril
Savelan Geography Lesson Strixxline
Joaqim NimrodialLibrary
Chapter Nine: Wildlife Matunas

Artist’s Most Beautiful World

Entry Author
Ayun Sovos Strixxline
Ayonerra NimrodialLibrary
Oniran Jontaro
E. Christopher Clark: Author & Illustrator eccbooks
Starsong frod0_baggins

Best Newcomer

Entry Author
Havenguard WreckerDwarf
Degheich WonderBundle
Auxul CoolG1319
Kena’an Make lore, not war
Raios RaiosMaster

Article categories

Hearts & Minds

Entry Author
The Shells of Sympruosia Loup Des Bois
Morvathian Tea Ceremony Hatwolf
Ringtale Elementary School Strixxline
Kaharan Bellydancing Tyrdal
The Wanderer Hologuitar Barron

Rise of Nations

Entry Author
Chapter Two: Known History Matunas
Albs Hatwolf
Nausilythe Loup Des Bois
Avaronian Empire kefkejaco
Silver Slice kitoypoy

Wondrous Nature

Entry Author
Mirror Cloud Paths Blue Fairy 74
Ecology of the Kajh-Tai Region Barron
God Husks Stormbril
Vaults of the Celestial Realm Loup Des Bois
Boharin Strixxline

Strength & Honor

Entry Author
Eclipse Extermination kranjax
Malkisaidek Tsiskari NimrodialLibrary
Arcanum Dona Viperia Hatwolf
Fall of the Selefer Kefkejaco
Chapter four: Factions & Guilds Matunas

Pillars of Progress

Entry Author
Klaxon Thresher Matunas
Chromatic Garden Loup Des Bois
Solilux Hanhula
Brightfield Farmer Strixxline
Thalassographer Make lore, not war

Myths & Legends

Entry Author
Incarnates of the New Age Strixxline
The Egg of Ascendant Metamorphosis Loup Des Bois
Bards: Create Your Own Episode eccbooks
Janoar NimrodialLibrary
Corvyn Seinrill SolomonJack

Non-article categories

History Award

Entry Author
Full Story WordiGirl
Roman History kefkejaco
History of the Seris people Callyxtus
Valthor Timeline the_ames

Cartography Award

Entry Author
Bellyem Loup Des Bois
The Cursed Kingdom of Demenore Hatwolf
Nellindill Mansion WordiGirl
Golandon Kefkejaco
Alana Tillerz

Artist’s Cartography Award

Entry Author
The Veiled Campus Stormbril
Shadowfire Ononomad
Map of the Kingdom of Arailia the_ames
Norrab Mochimanoban
Greenglimmer Kwyn Marie