World Anvil is a POWERFUL (and award-winning!) worldbuilding software. And there are a lot of features because building a rich, detailed world is a big job.
But if you’re new, it’s helpful to have a guide to the core features, that helps you get started worldbuilding!
Well, we’ve made you exactly that: it’s called the 🧙 Get Started Wizard!
How to get started with World Anvil, step by step
The Get Started Wizard contains a checklist of the core features on World Anvil. AND it contains 6 simple lessons that introduce them. Follow along at your own pace, and you’ll soon discover that World Anvil is easy to use, intuitive, and will save you tons of time—once you’ve picked up the basics! You’ll go from novice to World Anvil Adept in no time!
How to find the get started wizard
The Get Started Wizard will appear at the bottom right of your screen when you’re logged into World Anvil.
When you click the 🧙 Get Started button, the pop up (see image above) will show the checklist of things to do in your world! This includes creating articles, timelines, maps, and more.
As you complete the items in the list, they’ll be marked as done. And when you’ve finished the whole starting checklist, you’ll get a virtual badge of completion for your World Anvil profile!
And you’ll have lots of help on your way. Click the ▶️ Play button next to each item to get help for each task. These World Anvil beginner tutorials form a six-lesson, easy to follow course. You can do the lessons one at a time and at your own pace! Each lesson includes screenshots for visual learners (and soon, videos!), so you can always find your place. And sprinkled throughout the course are assignments so you can learn by doing!
After you’ve finished the 🧙 Get Started with World Anvil Wizard, you’ll be able to comfortably use all of the core worldbuilding tools on World Anvil. And you’ll have the beginning of your own fascinating world setting!
Check the World Anvil beginner tutorials now and get started worldbuilding on World Anvil!
I can’t see the Get Started Wizard!
First of all, make sure you’re logged into World Anvil, and you have a world active!
If you’ve already achieved the checklist, you won’t see (or need!) the get started wizard, so it won’t appear. If you’re looking for a World Anvil Tutorial refresher, though, you can still browse the beginner tutorials and follow the assignments! ❤️ You might learn something new!
I’ve finished the Get Started Guides – what shall I do next?
If you’ve already finished the Get Started with World Anvil lessons, why not follow a workflow for the next steps of writing your novel, or running your RPG campaign? You an find all the World Anvil workflows here, including some about Professional World Anvil use, Keeping secrets, and more.
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