Massive announcement today – we’ve souped up the PURPLE BUTTON! It’s now the ultimate worldbuilding tool for worldbuilding in flow, and we couldn’t be more excited!
The information on this blog post might be outdated! Check the documentation for the most up-to-date information about this feature.
Dat Purple button
So you probably remember that purple inkwell button. The one down in the bottom right hand side of the World Anvil interface. Right? It used to allow you to create articles whilst you were already writing an article. This was awesome for worldbuilding in flow! I love using it when I want to keep track of ideas about the new articles I want to link in. For example, I’m writing about a character and want to mention their city of birth. Instead of using a placeholder, I can use the purple button to create a new article, adding some details to it, and then link it in! (For more descriptions of all the ways to link your articles together on World Anvil make sure you check out our Youtube Tutorial!

Look! There’s the purple button! (Just ignore the scary dude who wants to eat your liver with a nice Chianti…)
What glorious thing has Dimitris made now?!
But now…. DIMITRIS HAS MADE IT EVEN MORE AWESOME! As well as new articles, you can now now use the Purple button to create new:
- Categories
- Historical Events
- Notes
- Secrets
- To Do list items!
New Purple Button
Check out that gif! I’m so in love with this! What better than instantly adding historical events to a timeline as you write out a character’s backstory, or a city’s history?! Or maybe you’re thinking up secrets on the fly and want to embed them into your article as you go? NO PROBLEM! On the fly – ONE click away – from ANY page ANYWHERE (panel and presentation).
We’re super excited about how much faster and more flowing this is going to make your worldbuilding process!
The new Purple Button is available TO THE WHOLE GUILD. If you’re a Freeman and want access, make sure you check out our Pricing Page – a Journeyman Tier membership is just 3$ a month, less than a cup of coffee.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. And if there are other things you want the purple button to do, let us know that too! 🙂 <3
Thank you Dimi and Janet! This will be immensely helpful for flow, as new ideas burst forth all the time while I’m doing something else already!
You guys have made organizing my campaign so much easier. Thanks for all the cool toys and the hard work that you’re putting into them!
Wow! I’m so new I’m usually happy with just doing the placeholder and checking my to-do list later, but THIS I will use. Many times I’ve said to myself, “Dammit, I need a new Category here,” or “Okay, don’t forget to add a new event to the Timeline.” Very excited about this! Thank you!