When summer comes to an end, it’s time to harvest the seeds that the people of your world sowed in spring. Does your world have any dark rituals related to food and harvests? A sinister or spooky harvest tradition? Use the tradition, settlement, or ethnicity template to write an article about it, and join us in this flash challenge!
With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see.
―Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Photo by Mickael Tournier
In our own world, several cultures celebrate their ancestors with traditions like Día de los Muertos in Mexico, Halloween in the USA, or the Obon festival in Japan during the fall. These celebrations don’t necessarily have to do with a harvest… But they could!
Choose a culture in your world and tell us about their dark harvest festival! What makes it dark? Do they harvest souls together with the hay? Did they sow zombies in spring, and now they are rising? Do they pelt houses of their enemies with leftover vegetables? Which vegetables or fruits is your culture farming? Are the vegetables may be used for poison or a dark ritual? Are they celebrating the death of their enemies?
You can find a list of harvest festivals for inspiration over here.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
―Og Mandino

Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron
– First, you need a World Anvil account.
– Write about a Dark Harvest using the tradition, settlement, or ethnicity template.
– Minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 1500 words.
– One article per account, one person per account.
– The article needs to be public.
– Submit the article before the 28th of October, at 11:59PM GMT (the site time, look at the bottom of almost all pages of WorldAnvil.)
– Post a link to your article in a comment to this blog post. Do not fret if your post isn’t visible right away. I will have to approve of it before it shows and I will be doing that around twice a day.
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.
―Robert Louis Stevenson
-The pride of having finished an article.
-Fun with friends! If you haven’t joined the discord, do so and join in on the fun on the #challenge-discussion channel. (#sync-your-roles to see it)
-Janet and Dimitris will show off a couple of the entries on a stream over at the WorldAnvil Twitch channel when there is time. If you aren’t already following it, jump on over there and give it a follow, that way you won’t miss out on any of the WorldAnvil streams!
-Some articles might even be featured on the site over on the community tab.
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.
―David Bly
Looking for more challenges? You can find our 2020 challenge time table over here; Worldbuilding challenges on WorldAnvil in 2020.
You can also check out our old Flash challenges for more prompt inspiration check out our Cheers! flash challenge from earlier this month, about beverages. Or why not check out our Pollinators challenge from earlier in the year? A perfect way to get you inspired for the harvest!
Here’s my article!
Harvest time! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/mudewei-rudysb9/a/the-holy-sacrifice-ritual
I love this challenge! Mine has a bit of a somber note to it: The Great Vigil
Here is my attempt
Here is mine!
Do you boo-long in the Gri’x?
Sing louder and drown out the darkness! It’s time for the Autumn King!
Apparently I forgot to include my link:
Here’s mine – hopefully suitably dark!
I like it! Your article made me want to learn more about a lot of the aspects of your world, especially about Hem, god of hearths. Well done!
Wrote up a day of remembrance, at the start of the fall harvest festival. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/synergasia/a/gb-flames-of-remembrance
Not as spooky as I’d like, but dark and harvest-related nonetheless: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/manifold-sky-bcgrwurth/a/darkfrost-ritual
Hi guys! My ritual shows the Goddess of Creation and some elves. I hope you like it.
Added my article https://www.worldanvil.com/w/dinas-emrys-elvenshoes/a/oracle-s-tapestry-of-signs-ritual
Sometime, the festival happened in the mournful time.
Worked into my NaNoWriMo plotting:
Squeezed this baby out:
Here is mine!
Here’s mine!
this article is suitably chilling: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-magic-multiverse-emperorcharlesii/a/dance-of-the-corpse-flowers-ritual?preview=true
A celebration of blood: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/valayo-hcraven/a/blood-fest-ritual
The Bloodwine Harvest: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/kyrn-erikbloodaxe/a/the-bloodwine-harvest-ritual
I like it. Short, sweet, and interesting!
A take on Obon in a world that is not too different than our own: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/seireitei/a/obon-ritual
The Benighted Bizarre https://www.worldanvil.com/w/octisafell-mergandore/a/benighted-bizarre-ritual
Here’s my Dark Harvest!
Come and gather around for the Communion of Souls is about to begin
In a world with dark spirits and undead monsters, you need to consecrate your kids, or suffer the consequences.
For your consideration; the holidays of Soulsnight and The Feast of Grains for the ever-expanding tabletop homebrew world of Eada.
Soon to have pictures. When I get around to it. Like most of the articles for Eada.
Ready and present. Just in time too.
Nothing more classic of a harvest festival than mushrooms and mushroom zombies!
Here’s mine: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/vadra-lycanis/a/okranfest-ritual?preview=true
Here’s my simple take on an Autumn festival with a sombre theme.
Pay your respect to the deity of fear and courage by being both brave and terrifying to others.
Here’s mine. Looking forward to checking out everyone else’s. About to open up a whole bunch of tabs! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/eccbooks/a/the-harvest-of-the-voices
My entry for the flash challenge: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/cenorad-sloqush/a/ostere-ethnicity?preview=true
uuuuuuuuhhhhhh how about human sacrifice i’m sorryyyyyyyyy
Harvesting the creatures that terrorize the towns of the Nonogawa River Valley.
Here is one that fits in with my world…
It’s finished! Well, as finished as it’s going to be for the challenge. I may add more next year or as my players approach the area during this season.
This is my submission for a Dark Harvest. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/black-marble-hexingale/a/blakehallow-harvest-ritual
Mine is a little after the harvest, but still intimately connected. This was a fun prompt, thanks! It’ll help flesh-out my very young world.
I desided to write about my culture’s tradition of communicating with the deceased family members. Doesn’t have anything to do with harvest really, but it was a useful prompt anyway…
One might think that elves, with their long lifespans, would rarely have to deal with death. Nothing could be further from the truth. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/toysoldiersaga/a/aeramai–song-of-the-dead–ritual