What is Inktober?
Inktober is an annual social media event for artists. Each year, a new series of prompts is put out and artists worldwide post their drawings for those prompts to social media.
Last year World Anvil put together our own Halloween themed prompts but this year we decided instead to transform the official prompts into full writing prompts.
What is the Gauntlet?
Each day we will be releasing a small writer’s prompt related to the Inktober Prompt. Our challenge to you is to let that inspire you to write about something in your world befitting that prompt.
Use any World Anvil template, though we’ll provide some suggestions with every prompt

Check out Day 1 below, then head over to the staff events page to keep updated with new ones each day.

Getting involved with #InktoberWA
- You should start by checking out the full information right over at the Staff Events page. Then follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook to get the daily prompts!
- If you’re doing the event already, submit your work to social media, tagged with #Inktober2019, #InktoberWA and @WorldAnvil, and remember to submit your article to the events page to earn the badge! Find more details on how to do that here.
- Join our Discord to get involved in our community and our Inktober Writers Gauntlet channel! They’re super supportive and will help you finish the Gauntlet in one piece! We will also be celebrating Halloween with a costume contest, which you’ll need to join Discord for.