Cheers! Kanpai! Skål! Salud! Alcohol has existed for several thousands of years in our world. Does it exist in yours? If not, then you can write about a non-alcoholic beverage. This challenge is about a special beverage or beverage festival in your world.
“To alcohol! The cause of… and solution to… all of life’s problems”

By Jochem Raat
There is evidence of alcoholic beverages existing as early as around 7000 B.C in our world and other beverages have existed since almost forever. Over these years, several different cultures have put their own spin on beverages and their traditions. For instance, the Japanese Sake made of rice or the festivals that celebrate alcoholic beverages, like the German beer festival Oktoberfest.
What is the origin of alcohol in your world? Is alcohol only consumed in a specific part of your world? Does alcohol exist at all? Who drinks this specific beverage? How is it made? Why is it made? Does a specific person or organization profit from its use or creation? Is it used in a tradition? In several traditions? Do the people who consume the beverage say something to each other when they consume it, like “cheers”?
“Ignorance is a lot like alcohol: the more you have of it, the less you are able to see its effect on you.”
– First, you need a World Anvil account.
– Write about a beverage or a festival using alcoholic beverages. Use the item or tradition template.
– Minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 1500 words.
– One article per account, one person per account.
– The article needs to be public.
– Submit the article before the 14th of October, at 11:59PM GMT (the site time, look at the bottom of almost all pages of WorldAnvil.)
– Post a link to your article in a comment to this blog post. Do not fret if your post isn’t visible right away. I will have to approve of it before it shows and I will be doing that twice a day.
“Scotch whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel’s nipples.”

By Caglar Araz
-The pride of having finished an article.
-Fun with friends, if you haven’t joined the discord do so and join in on the fun on the #challenge-discussion channel. (#sync-your-roles to see it)
-Janet and Dimitris will show off a couple of the entries on a stream over at the WorldAnvil Twitch channel when there is time. If you aren’t already following it jump on over there and give it a follow, that way you won’t miss out on any of the WorldAnvil streams.
Other challenges
“Every star that lights up the sky, every bee pollinating the flowers, every pet asking for a treat exposes us to energy that echoes throughout our universe.”
Waiting for WorldEmber? Missed Summer camp? We have several different kinds of challenges throughout this year. Check out our other challenges here: Worldbuilding challenges on WorldAnvil in 2020.
For more inspiration, you can also check out one of our previous. Our Pollinators challenge might combine nicely with this one (mead, anyone?), or how about one of the April flash challenges? Day of Tricks and Forbidden knowledge.
Grab your hammer and go worldbuild!
Here’s my entry:
Won’t you sit and have a pint?
hic Here’s my entry:
Here’s my entry – Hag’s Breath. Would only recommend if you have something you wish to forget :
Twilight Wine:
Healthy(?), tasty(?) and not made of muck – muckwater:
Fairy Rum:
I couldn’t resist.–stout-item
Hooray for my first flash challenge! @The Founding of Boggart and Moons Brewing Company
Hey! 😀 I hope you had fun! Your link isn’t working though. You’ll have to copy paste the url in the url window when you are viewing the presentation page of your article.
i found this link in my history from this afternoon…
Hey there! I humbly present my submission for this flash challenge. It’s not exactly an alcoholic beverage in the traditional sense, hoping it will still qualify.
Razum Rum:
Alcohol-relared festival:
I did a surprising amount of research for this! Cheers!
Just a small article this time 🙂
Algamre Green:
The Ambergrain Brewery Festival:
I had been planning this drink / tradition for ages, thanks for pushing me into writing it 😀
Hopefully this link works 🙂
Eswick Blue:
Coming up with a suitable name was probably the hardest part of this, but I had fun
A fine seasonal beverage:
Please absorb responsibly:
Here I present to you “Veil Ale”,a mystherious and spooky beer just in time for Spooktober ^_^
Please consider my article concerning the Vingenalia festival for the challenge:
The Nimýric equivalent of wine:
Zex (my article is in german) you are all welcom to read it and give me feedback.
Got mine done! Drink That are on Fire!
“Never drink anything that is glowing or on fire” — Drathnar Strongarm (an actual motto of an actual major character in our long-running campaign) 😉
Hahahaha. He obviously didn’t go to college where I did!
The amount of research into coconuts I had to make for this…
Here’s my entry (Twinkle Mead):
It kills diseases, blights and parasites — if you survive the chemical burns. But the orcs drink it daily as a tonic. “Not for the pallid elven palate, I think.” — Orcish Captain
Done and done:
First contest entry. I have some confidence in myself, though it’s basically a cherry boba and Long Island Iced Tea float
A slightly unorthodox take on the challenge, I hope it still qualifies though!
C’est fini! I’m excited to see what everyone else has been working on!
The entry is here 😀–ritual
Sweet Kiss.
Sake for the Rice Harvest Festival to Inari
The liquor of the Fairies may have unintended side effects…
First time I’ve ever entered. To be honest I wasn’t planning to, but a couple days ago I realized my world actually had a drinking tradition I hadn’t written anything about, so here’s my best shot–hope it works:
Hey all – first flash challenge entry here: The Spirit Watch, a ceremony remembering the recently deceased which is helped along by a empathy boosting spirit.
I finally made myself write something during breaks at work!! Thanks for the fun challenge. Glad it got me to write something. 🙂
Here’s the drink from the assassins!
Alcohol in the Sawdust Pile Tavern: Celestial wine for magic orphans
Made a Lantern Light for my coastal fantasy!
Here it is, the wiki for the Harvest Festival in Fall! Let’s hope those AP are up, yeah? Lol