It’s time for our second Flash Challenge in April. This time we will get to use the Document, Organization or Geographical location template. You can, of course, write articles for all three of the templates and submit your favorite article.
“I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don’t dare to let out.”
― Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover
Does your world have a location that is fabled? An area where nobody is allowed to enter if they don’t have the right clearance? What would happen if people stormed that area?
What is the area hiding? Who has that information and why? Does your world have hidden libraries with information that his forbidden? Will the information hidden on these pages spark a revolution?
Why is nobody allowed to read or listen to that information? Is there a secret organization hiding this information? Or is the secret organization the ones who are trying to free the forbidden information?
“Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
― Poor Richard’s Almanack

Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash
– First, you need a World Anvil account.
– Write about a secret document that is either unknown or illegal, a secret society or geographical location that hides secrets. Use the Document, Organization or Geographical location template.
– Minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 1500 words.
– One article per account, one person per account.
– The article needs to be public.
– The article needs to be submitted before the 29th of April, at 11:59PM GMT (the site time, look at the bottom of almost all pages of WorldAnvil.)
– Post a link to your article in a comment to this blog post. Do not fret if your post isn’t visible right away. I will have to approve it before it shows and I will be doing that around twice a day.
“We hunger in earnest for that which we cannot consume.”
― Black Beast
-The pride of having finished an article.
-Fun with friends, if you haven’t joined the discord do so and join in on the fun on the #challenge-discussion channel. (#sync-your-roles to see it)
-Janet and Dimitris will show off a couple of the entries on a stream over at the WorldAnvil Twitch channel when there is time. If you aren’t already following it jump on over there and give it a follow, that way you won’t miss out on any of the WorldAnvil streams.
Other challenges
“Vicious actions are not hurtful because they are forbidden, but forbidden because they are hurtful.”
Next challenge is the May challenge, look forward to it. I know I do. 🙂
For the rest of the year we have several different kinds of challenges in different formats, check them out on this blog post: Worldbuilding challenges on WorldAnvil in 2020.
Cover image by Elliot Brown
Directorate of National Security and Intelligence (bc Terrans like big, fancy titles for their shady organizations)
The Red: A religious text intimately written on the skin of its faithful…
The Silent Vault, a place to bury the really, utterly terrifying types of existential threats:
The collection of people responsible for protecting the general public from an eldritch abomination
This was a fun challenge to do! Especially as it helped me to begin writing things I haven’t yet thought about for my new world. So here is my bash at the flash challenge. Its still a WIP, but its done enough to share 🙂
The Circuit – A secret and illicit, world-wide organisation… but do they actually exist?–article
The emperor’s military guide, with the national secret of the army and technology.
A mysterious mountain no one quite knows much about.
Here’s my little article for the challenge. A shadowy organisation which may or may not exist.
The Parlour: a student-run group of upperclassmen in the Cuepopan Cuicacalli I know zilch about css, even when I used it decades ago, so it’s a bare bones article. There are a couple of easter eggs in this. One of which is an ancient literary style.
Laralee! It looks like your article is either private or still a draft!
fixed. Still a WIP but no longer a draft.
Welcome to the the greatest nation that no one knows about:
@The Deadlands
Erik! We need the actual URL of the article not the WACode for it! 😀
Just the nudge I needed to write something about a certain branch of the Nimýric military:
In case anyone here is willing and able to read some German:
League of Guardians
Had fun doing this one:
The Ancient Fey of Isekai are loath to show their secrets, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy toying with attempts to find forbidden knowledge.
A fun prompt! I was able to combine two ideas I’d had floating around for this one!
A small anonymous statement lying in the archives of the Scalegrey Institute in Limbo, regarding an unsettling discovery in the deserts of northern Algonas and possibly relating to a grisly organization hiding out there:
By descending into the depths of the Glass-Block Fortress, archaeologists might uncover great truths about the Manifold and the Celestial Realms. But, while getting down there is possible, can anyone return with their wits intact?
Still working on map layers, and again, I find the 1500 word limit chafing (no room for quotes because I needed every word to provide the historical information and diplomacy,) but meet the Black Hole Division, infamous traitors who were destroyed for their betrayal – or were they?
This is a very crude article atm but i will definitely fix it as fast as i can! I tried my best to make a creepy SCP type article haha. Enjoy my creepy little article set on an island which is a mix of the Hebrides and the Shetland Isles 🙂
A quick article about the place where the Stormfleet pirates hide in the skies of Linebound.
A parasitic newspaper written by a secret organizaiton seeking a return to “The Old Ways.”
Cercle de Roi-Chevalier:
Bwahahaha! I had a PERFECT excuse to dust off a certain secretive cult I have had lying around, which been pretty much “just a title” for a year now. I am still editing on the point of posting the link, but don’t worry, it’ll be nice and haunting by the time of the deadline come by!
I swear that there will be time I won’t submit my article on the last day possible… But here it is!
Kinda last minute, but I made it! 🙂