Engage your fan base and create a Unique Selling Point with World Anvil!
You’re here because you run or represent a small publishing house! Don’t know what World Anvil is? In a sentence, we’re an online tool for creating and presenting the world settings behind your releases. Check out this post here for a deeper explanation. You can find explanations of how to use Sage for every other kind of creator there, too!
Why should you care about Sage?
Whether your publishing traditional fiction, RPG content, serials, or anthologies, fan retention between instalments is critical. World Anvil offers a new way to engage with your following, and a unique selling point over the competition! It’s also the quickest way to get potential new readers hooked by reducing the learning curve of a new world.
How can you use Sage?
Let fans interact with your whole portfolio!
Have a public, interactive portfolio of all the intellectual properties you represent. Show off the varied nature of your publishing portfolio, and let fans connect with the worldbuilding behind your releases in a whole new way! Reader comments allow your audience to like, ask questions and tell you their favourite parts, creating a more interactive experience. They can also follow to get updates!

Hook readers onto more of your content
Refer readers to similar projects which they can explore through World Anvil before they purchase. By exploring on World Anvil, you can hook potential readers on the world, so they’re itching to buy your latest release. Way more interactive than a book blurb!

Reward your VIPs and Super-fans
Give your super-fans and VIPs deeper insight! You want to reward your readers, purchasers, or mailing list. Maybe you have a Patreon, VIP club, or customers who bought a special edition of a release.

World Anvil helps you provide behind-the-scenes access for these superfans! Import mailing lists by CSV – super quick to refresh them to keep your lists up to date! Share access-restricted content with them using subscriber codes and password protected articles. Expand on characters, locations or lore. Let them send you fan fiction that you can approve before publication. You could even run giveaways & raffles for access on your social media!

A great reading experience
World Anvil’s e-reader with light and dark reading mode is a great reading experience, much more enjoyable than releasing PDFs or forum posts! We are also UserWay enabled for ultimate accessibility.
Invite exploration with interactive maps
Ever tried reading a map on a Kindle? Use World Anvil’s interactive map features to present your fantasy kingdom in stunning HD, with interactive labels and map layers. You can even give subscriber-only access to specific layers or groups of pins. Track the main character’s journey, the changing political climate or those armies of orcs marching on the hero’s fortress.

Complete visual control for a professional presentation
Sage gives you complete control over how your world looks, to immerse your readers even more. Choose a visual CSS theme which suits your world, or make your own! White labelling features remove the World Anvil branding, and you can customise the URLs too.

No more errata!
Never issue errata again. Electronic release means you can make live changes easily. Update the canon to reflect the latest releases, or fix typos any time.
New releases? Announce them to your fans
Want to announce a new release? Use the blocks feature to create in-world announcements about your new content coming out!
Help your authors collaborate!
Fans love collaborations, and World Anvil helps your authors or teams easily collaborate on big projects! Your content authors can create entire worlds together with our co-author system. Use World Anvil as your design team’s bible, and make sure your IP’s canon is recorded in one easy place.
Your authors can also keep a private and public version of the world. Control the privacy of every article, and hide those first drafts (we know the feeling). Choose when an article is ready for public consumption, and create a private book bible for your own reference. What colour were that character’s eyes again?
Publishing writing?
Allow authors to release content like spinoffs, short stories, character interviews and details about the world between their novels, without the publishing costs. Encourage fans to follow your authors. Use our password-protected articles and subscriber codes to reward fans with this content, or sell access through your own storefront.

Publishing RPG content?
World Anvil is completely System and Genre agnostic, though we do have the SRD of major systems. You can release homebrew content or your own setting or RPG system. Create your own stat blocks for them – items, spells, monsters, races, locations, variant rules or anything else.

Keep your modules up to date with the latest system!
New editions and expansions to RPG systems can mean you need to keep up with the latest content. Make changes to your modules live at any time. Release new modules as an expansion to the setting, and use our linking system to refer back to the rest of your content, allowing your readers to easily navigate the world. You can also easily update your content as new RPG systems come out, so it’s always compatible with the latest ruleset!
Interactive Adventure Modules and Campaign settings
World Anvil is also a totally new way to release Adventure Modules or Campaign settings for your supporters either instead of, or in addition to, PDF release. World Anvil doesn’t claim any fees or rights to your content – you own your own IP (this is super important to us).
You can release special map layers to give extra information, or groups of pins to show important locations in your area and link regions into battle maps! All your content will be integrated and connected together using the mentions system, so you never have to explain anything twice! Less work for you, and a more interactive and intuitive experience for your readers.

What should I do next?
If you’re interested in purchasing a sage membership and starting your monetization journey, go here worldanvil.com/worldbuilders-guild-membership#sage
What if I have questions?
If you have questions about how to use World Anvil, check out:
- The World Anvil Codex.
- The #help channel on our Discord.
- The Whistlestop tutorial on Youtube to get started.
- Our feature reel to start understanding all the World Anvil features you can have at your fingertips!
If you have a questions or issues regarding subscriptions, you can contact the World Anvil Founders, Dimitris and Janet, at hello@worldanvil.com.