To celebrate International GM’s Day, we’ve put together a list of our best resources for DMs and GMs! Whether you’re playing DnD5e, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, or anything else, this list of resources will help inspire your campaign setting, adventures, and world! There’s some really amazing stuff in here, so let’s take a look at it!
Our best resources for DMs and GMs
Being a Dungeon Master or Game Master isn’t easy —there’s just so much stuff to do and keep track of! We love worldbuilding, so we’ll start with that, but we’ve got some great tips to handle players and adventures too!
Worldbuilding resources for DMs
Worldbuilding is something all GMs do —and most players ignore! A good way to make your players care about worldbuilding is to tie it into the plot of the campaign. So take a look at these posts for some tips to do that!
- 5 ways to create festivals for your campaign: festivals can be really engaging to your players, even if they’re just a side plot!
- 5 tips for worldbuilding birth traditions: now, this won’t usually come up every session, but it’s a nice detail that will make your world feel more alive!
- How to create monsters for your campaign: a creature is more than just its stats, so make sure you think about these 5 tips too when creating them, to bring them to life. RAWR!
- 5 tips for writing compelling characters: as a DM or GM you’re constantly coming up with NPCs —these tips will make them feel more real!
- 5 tips for worldbuilding cities and towns: even if your campaign starts in the middle of nowhere, the heroes will eventually find their way into a town or city. Make sure to follow these tips to make it memorable and amazing!
- 5 tips to make a dark campaign setting: if you’re a fan of grimdark settings, this is the post for you! Learn how to scare your players, and set the mood.
Best resources for DMs to create and run adventures
The way you create and run an adventure depends on many things: your personal style, the campaign setting and tone, your players and their characters, and more! But these are our best resources for DMs to run your sessions!
- 5 interesting plot points for creating conflict: conflict is essential for an engaging campaign, and these plot devices will help you create it!
- Handling sex and romance as a DM: that will be of special interest if you have a player with bardic inclinations! It’s important to make sure all players feel comfortable with it!
- Fantasy map makers: pre-made maps for your campaign: sometimes you don’t have the tools or time to create a map yourself. These mapmakers have your back!
- Map generation software for campaigns: these are very useful if you want a certain degree of customization but don’t want to create a map from scratch.
- 5 tips for online games: especially relevant in current times! Make sure to send it to your players too, and your online sessions will be way smoother!
- Using Heroes, the ultimate campaign manager: Heroes is our campaign manager, and its integration with your worldbuilding makes it so amazingly useful!
And, of course, World Anvil is the ultimate worldbuilding and RPG campaign manager, and the best resource for DMs! Create your free GM account and get started now!
Where can I find more resources?
If you’re missing something in the list, leave a comment with your suggestion so we can take it into account! Our Discord server also has an amazing community with DMs and GMs that will be more than happy to help you out!
What’s your number 1 tip you’d give to a DM or GM? Let me know in the comments!