What is Mapvember?
Mapvember is an open, inspiration challenge for anyone who enjoys creating fictional maps. These maps can be anything from dungeon maps to geographical maps, from fantasy to science fiction, as long as the maps are usable without other maps, tools or information. The challenge is organized by Miska’s Maps, a battlemap creator, who releases a list of prompts to guide your map making.
Mapvember 2021 – not just maps, but worldbuilding prompts too!
Wait – Mapvember AND Worldbuilding? Yup, this year, World Anvil is collaborating with Miska’s Maps to open up the challenge to worldbuilders everywhere! We’ve expanded Miska’s original prompts (with his permission!) into 30 worldbuilding questions to inspire you this November! (And maybe even help get you prepared for WorldEmber!) Check out the prompts below!

Mapvember 2021 map & worldbuilding prompts, by World Anvil and Miska’s Maps
How Can I Participate?
- Participation is easy! Either draw a map of some kind, or create a piece of world building, for each day of November!
- Share your creations online with others.
Check out dat shiny Mapvember badge!
- Tag your map with a hashtag #mapvember and/or #mapvember[year] – this year that’s #mapvember2021! You can also tag in @WorldAnvil and @MiskasMaps if you want. We’ll share some of our favourite entries through our official accounts.
Claim your Mapvember 2021 badge!
Only for the brave, we challenge you to complete AT LEAST 21 of these prompts in November 2021. Your prize? A snazzy Mapvember 2021 badge for your World Anvil profile!
To claim your badge, comment on this post, and make sure you:
Follow World Anvil Blog on WordPress.com
Want more worldbuilding posts like this? Subscribe to the World Anvil blog!
Going for 21! There’s the overview page: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/alana/a/mapvember-2021-article
Link is https://www.worldanvil.com/w/alana/a/mapvember-2021 , sorry.
Hmmm I do need to turn a map I made digital… but does it HAVE to have the prompts included? To count for badge?
Let’s do this! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/estya/a/mapvember-2021-pledge-article
I’ll probably come back to say how it went, but here is the article where I’ll add the entries (every day, I hope)
I wrote 24 new articles, no maps so far though. I don’t think I’ll be able to write more this month, but who knows?
And yes, the links are listed in the article ( https://www.worldanvil.com/w/known-universe-escritora-novata/a/mapvember-in-the-known-universe-article )
Here goes nothing! 🙂 I’m already behind, but in the spirit of trying:
Great attitude! You can do it! By the way, ths is a draft article right now – you’ll need to publish it!
Thank youuu! It’s published now. And I did my first prompt. Woohoo!!!
This is me! My page that I gather all my prompts. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/lyra/a/mapvember-2021
Will I complete this? Probably not. Will I make a bunch of poorly drawn images just to get some ideas down? Yes, at least I tried.
I’ve created an article to gather all my Mapvember prompts (and document my NaNoWriMo progress as well) in one place. Check it out!
@Mapvember 2021
This is where all my mapvember stuff will be!
This is currently a big 404! can you double check that URL for me?
@Mapvember 2021
Is there a minimum wordcount per article for this challenge, like with Summer Camp and flash challenges and such?
Nope, but there’s a minimum completion for the badge. 21/30 entries – either maps, images, art or worldbuilding articles!
Got it, thank you! I’ll be sure to post when I’ve got enough of them ready (or when my collection article is ready to show to the public).
I made a collection article, to well collect my answers to this mapvember challenge.
Is it alright to make a list of the articles/maps outside of WA? If so, I have a gDoc for it.
we’d prefer a world anvil article!
Alright. I don’t quite know how to figure it out but here’s the link for one: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-somer-plate-toffepajja/a/mapvember-2021-article
Here’s where I’m putting all my maps so far, hoping I’ll get to at least 21.
Going to attempt this, here is the article I’ll be keeping track of everything in: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/naikwan-kidelle/a/mapvember-2021-article
Starting late, but I’m going to try. Here is my article where I’ll be keeping track of everything: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/naikwan-kidelle/a/mapvember-2021-article
You can do it!
Here is my tracking article.
I really want the badge, but we will see, work is picking up a bit so free time is dwindling and I dont want to burn out before Worldember.
Here is mine, I’ll make the articles look a little prettier later.
Here’s an entry for Prompt 30: Dancing Mummy Bay
I’m vivimorena and I just put my first 9 mini-maps in one article here: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/artterra-vivimorena/a/mapvember-2021-article .
Will probably do the rest /or at least up the the 21/ in a similar fashion.
Going to drop my page where I put all my prompt here 🙂
Here’s my Mapvember article, all the maps are there! WA: Johe
Tried posting this earlier but it seems to have gotten lost in the aether, so here goes again 🙂
My first map for #mapvember2021 based on prompt #30
First posters require approval, which is done once a day!
Ah, that makes sense! Thanks!
Goblin Fite Klub, based on Prompt 28 – once you enter Fite Klub, you don’t get out until there’s a clear winner
Pledge and Maps 🙂
Starting late, but i am going to try to complete 21 prompts. Here is my tracking article for Mapvember 2021 https://www.worldanvil.com/w/aurin-firethorndragon/a/mapvember-2021-article?preview=true? Where I will link all my articles when they are done.
The Forest’s Heart, based on prompt #2:
At this rate, I doubt I’ll get 21 complete by the end of Nov. I average 1 map every 2-3 days haha.
Not sure why I am doing this… Too many challenges I’m taking on, but it’s just too good! For this one, I’m mainly focusing on the writing, here’s my article in which all the entries will be listed:
(Also, I’m very happy with the sweet beans haha)
So busy this month, but I’m hoping to maybe complete this challenge!
Here’s my Prompt List for Mapvember!
Here’s the Black Chapel of Tsathoggua, based on Prompt 18:
Here’s my latest map: The Wee Library (based on Prompt # ): A small library in the heart of a bustling city. Its owner is the disgraced halfling scholar Burburry Bustlefoot, and he’s the owner of a very black book of fel magic…
This one includes a small basement level.
As always, use the layers button to see alternate versions (usually Gridded).
All maps for Mapvember 2021 can be found here:
Getting a late start, but ready for the challenge!
Going for 21, going decent so far!
So, I’ve been doing a lot of rearranging lately and that link above doesn’t lead to the right place anymore. Here’s the correct link:
Boy am I glad I decided to just doublecheck that last minute 😀
https://www.worldanvil.com/w/mirateia-cow2face/a/mapvember-2021-article here is the overall article containing maps/articles for the event 🙂
I’m not sure I understand what prompt 23 means. What’s a “drone” behaviour? Is it the bee thing, where the drone’s only job is to mate with the queen? Or an annoying constant noise? Or… what?
Hi Tofi, you can of course interpret this as you like (see for reference our blog post on How to Use Worldbuilding prompts as inspiration: https://blog.worldanvil.com/2021/10/21/worldbuilding-prompts-on-world-anvil/) We meant like bees (hence the insectoid reference) but if you want to go more for the noise, then go for it!
Here’s my latest map: Elfgrave (based on Prompt #24): Long ago this land was the heart of an elven kingdom. But tragedy struck when the Warlock King ripped open the earth to swallow it whole. Now all that remains is the lake that filled in the gaping maw.
As always, use the layers button to see alternate versions (usually Gridded).
All maps for Mapvember 2021 can be found here:
I am very late but I am going to condense everything into this one article https://www.worldanvil.com/w/Spectrals-Megaverse-Planescape/a/mapvember-2021-article?preview=true?
Bonus map! I did this a few months ago, not counting it towards my mapvember goal but including it for fun. It’s the ground floor of a Benedictine Abbey I did for a Call of Cthulhu: Dark Ages game. It’s also available in a much larger scale (for free) at drivethrurRPG
Gonna try to make it to 21. If nothing else I’ll get some maps checked off my to-do list.
Whew… I made it to 21.
hughpierre got through 21 of the prompts
I, Kefkejaco, finished 21 of the prompts 😀
I won’t get anywhere near 21 but I guess I’ll just add my overview article to the mix. (German)
21 prompts done for Jarhed! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/totania-jarhed/a/mapvember-home-article
Okay, I’m probably mad, but since I’m done with my NaNo I will attempt Mapvember next.
The main article where I will link them all is here:
brand new world, so this will give me a nice push to start 😀
Aaaaand 21 Articles done. Not pretty, some a bit short, but done.
I finished 21 small treasure/clue maps for my players ^^ https://www.worldanvil.com/w/kaigan-eallixy/a/mapvember-2021-article
I managed to finish 21 prompts! Not as long as I would like, but better than I expected! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/xenology-darknymfa/a/mapvember-2021-article
Here’s my prompts!
My 21 prompts, sadly a few were quite rushed since… life!
my prompts
Below the list of articles that I’ve managed to write.
I’ve made it to a drawn map and 21 prompts completed!
Sorted by destination-world then alphabet, here is my category!
With 17 articles and 4 maps I made, the challenge is finally completed!
There, I did it, 21 prompts finished: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/land-of-the-ancients-snakevenom/a/mapvember-2021-collection-article
Here is proof of the barely met 21 quota, yay :3 Might have misplaced several tags though
Here’s mine! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/yonderverse-mochimanoban/a/mapvember-2021-article
Didn’t make it. But after completing NaNo and 5 days left, I’m happy with the result.