If you’ve been with us for a while, you know that we like to show off our community —one of the nicest places on the internet! Well, today I’m going to give you a tour of the World Anvil Discord server, the hub of our community. Because let’s face it, the number of channels there can feel overwhelming at first. But worry not, after reading this guide you’ll be surfing on the channel list like a pro!
Why should you join the World Anvil Discord server
Our Discord server is a great opportunity to meet people from all around the world. But you’ll also be able to share your ideas with other creatives and talk about your world with people who won’t get bored with your nerdy ramblings! And, of course, you’ll always be on top of everything going on with our community! The Discord server is also a great place to ask for help with World Anvil and be in touch with the team.
Sounds good? Follow these simple steps:
- Follow this invite link to join the server!
- To connect your World Anvil account with Discord, Most channels are exclusive to World Anvil users, so you’ll want to link your accounts too. To do so, click your profile picture on World Anvil (top right corner) and choose Account details. Find the box that says “Connections” and click the Connect with Discord button. This will give you access to exclusive channels!
- Introduce yourself! You can use the #introduce-yourself channel to tell the community about you!
Now that you’re all set up, let’s take a look at the different channels you can use.
Finding the important channels

These are all the channels you’ll see as a Freeman after you sync your account!
Fortunately for all, channels are organized in categories to help you navigate the server more easily! Let’s unpack the most important of them, from top to bottom:
- The Server category is where you’ll find information about the server. It’s also where we announce news about World Anvil, so keep an eye on it!
- Want to get involved with our community events? Check out the Ongoing Events category! The #challenge-discussion channel is usually the main hub of conversation in this category, although we also have special channels for our big events like Summer Camp and WorldEmber.
- The Community category is where you can find several social channels! #worlds-end-inn is the general chat, while #smiths-bar is the offtopic channel.
- Need help with using World Anvil? Go to the Help category! Use #help to ask a question and someone from our community will help you out!
- And we can’t forget about the Worldbuilding and Creative channels categories! After all, that’s what World Anvil is about, right? There are a bunch of channels about many different creative activities related to worldbuilding.
Pick a channel you’re interested in and see if there’s an ongoing conversion. If there isn’t, don’t be afraid to start it yourself!
Guild goodies!
If you’re a Guild member, you have some extra perks on the Discord server! On top of the fancy color for your name, you get access to the Guild Halls category, with channels that are exclusive to the Guild. You’ll also be able to take part in Guild-only feature votes and see sneak peeks of upcoming features!
All in all, the Discord server is an amazing place to share ideas, be inspired, and get help with your projects! So join the Discord now and get chatting!