Ever considered making World Anvil videos, or streaming World Anvil? It’s a great way to get more views on your work, and make sowrlbuilding more sociable and fun, too! Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know!

You can make World Anvil streams and videos!

We love community content based on World Anvil! So why stream or make World Anvil videos?

  • World Anvil has over a million users, and everyone uses it differently. People love learning new tips, tricks and workflows!
  • Sharing your worldbuilding and creativity is a great way to find fans for your work
  • Worldbuilding and writing can be lonely – streaming makes it more fun!
  • It also helps us spread the word of our platform as well! That makes us extra happy for you to stream, and we try to promote and raid our streamers.

So, to be clear – you absolutely have our permission to make World Anvil streams and videos! You can use World Anvil in streams or videos to share your worldbuilding projects, to give worldbuilding tips and inspiration, to help others use World Anvil better, or anything else you can come up with! And you don’t need to contact us —you don’t need our explicit permission to stream!

Many people are already making World Anvil streams, mainly on Twitch. Some are part of the Anvilite Streamers Corps, an organized group of World Anvil streamers, and plenty stream on their own! Make sure you join our Discord server so you’re always up-to-date with the news.

The stream pack

In fact, we love streamers so much that we released a streamer pack for WorldEmber with some assets (update, you can get our Summer Camp 2021 pack here) you can use in your content! Check out the post about the streamers pack for the download link as well as some inspiring ideas on what to stream about!

We’ve also got evergreen stream overlays for non-WorldEmber streams, which you can download here!

Nuisance lawyers

So, why are we telling you this? Well, we’ve had reports that nuisance lawyers have, on “our behalf”, been approaching people to ask if they have permission to make World Anvil streams and videos. These are not from us at all! In fact, if you are contacted by these people please let us know at hello@worldanvil.com so we can tell them off personally! You do have our permissions, no matter what these lawyers say!

Ready to stream or make videos? Download the streamers pack to get some assets and start creating! 

Already streaming or making World Anvil vids? Put your details – URL and the kind of stream you’re doing – in the comments so we can check it out!